Thursday, October 31, 2019

An Appeal Letter for My Suspension Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

An Appeal Letter for My Suspension - Assignment Example I admit that I had a difficult time when trying to submit my papers through the internet. I do not mean to make justifications for the overdue submission, but I would like to clarify the situation. I recognize that I had plenty of time to tackle my pieces. Nevertheless, I completed the papers on time. However, I encountered some difficulties while I was trying to send my papers. The delayed submission of my papers was mainly because of the internet problem. I had to wait and by the time of resolving the internet problem, it was already late. I had the hard copies with me, but since you do not accept them, I had to wait and this made me submit the papers late. I know I ought not to have waited until the end to submit the paper, but I also had other personal problems that led to the late submission. I could have handled the assignment so well if my mother had not gotten very ill. While I was in school, my problems at home still affected me since I could not focus on my assignments. I recognize that ought to have informed you about it early enough, but I thought I could handle the issues but I failed. I like my course and this university and it would be very important for me to graduate from this school since finishing a college degree is fundamental within my family. If you withdraw the suspension, I will focus more on my studies and submit all my assignments on time. I promise that I will take fewer hours to complete my assignments and manage my time wisely so that I can beat deadlines. This will enable me to submit my assignments very early to avoid internet problems at the last minutes of papers submission in future. In addition, I have talked with my advisor, and I promise to follow his advice concerning communicating with my instructors early enough in case I encounter any problems. Additionally, I will get a tutor for those courses, which I find hard. Therefore, I have acquainted myself with the tutors at the college.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Legal Abortion Essay Example for Free

Legal Abortion Essay The topic of abortion is one of the most controversial of our times. It has caused countless deaths and several violent confrontations between the two separate parties of opinion. The fight between pro-life and pro-choice supporters has been long and brutal. This is because, despite what several people may believe, abortion is neither right nor wrong. It is a matter of personal opinion. In this way, each side can say with certainty that the other is wrong. However, the question still remains; should abortion be legal? Though some may disagree on this point, the fact is that legalized abortion is the only option that will protect the lives of American citizens. Therefore, present abortion laws according to Roe v. Wade should be upheld and maintained in the United States (Brown 2). Roe v. Wade was a landmark decision that legalized abortions in the United States. It was about a poor, pregnant woman who filed a lawsuit against the state law of Texas, which stated that abortions were illegal. The case went all the way to the U. S. Supreme Court, which meant that the decision made affected the nation as a whole. On January 22, 1973, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of Jane Roe and stated that the 14th amendment guarantees an adult woman the right to seek a termination of her pregnancy until viability (Guernsey 63). From this day on, abortions in the United States were legal. The definitions of the opinions taken on abortion are somewhat unclear to many people. Hopefully, the definitions stated below will be of some help in choosing an opinion. Pro-life supporters believe that a fetuss right to live comes first, before the rights of a pregnant woman. Pro-choice supporters believe that it is a womans fundamental human right to decide when and whether or not to have the child (Lowenstein19). Nevertheless, while the pro-choice side fights the right to have an abortion, they make a distinction between pro-choice and pro-abortion, These groups want women to be able to choose an abortion if it is right for them. However, they do not necessarily believe abortion is the solution for everyone (Lowenstein 52). There are many reasons why abortion should be legal. The single most important effect of legalization has been the substitution of safe, legal procedures for abortions that formerly were obtained illegally ( Jaffe, Lindheim, and Lee 147). One only needs to look into American history to see the results of prohibiting abortions to women. The violence which occurs today because of the pro-choice/pro-life conflicts is minimal in comparison to the thousands of hopeless women who turned to illegal abortions. Women, seeing no other solution to their problems, turned to back room clinics. These clinics were located in poverty-ridden sections of the city and their conditions were deplorable. The places themselves were layered in filth and disease. Inexperienced butchers using dirty and crude equipment treated the women. As if these backroom clinics were not bad enough, there was an even more appalling decision a woman might face. If she were unable to pay the exorbitant price for the illegal surgery, she would often perform the act herself. Knitting needles, coat hangers, antiseptic douches, and poisons were used most often (Welton123). It is better now that women have a place to go where abortions can be performed cleanly with minimal risk. Legalization of abortion is the only choice no matter what side on takes in the debate. Women will try to do what they think is necessary to live as they wish, no matter what the risk. Each year 84,000 women die worldwide from failed abortion attempts (Lunneborg67) . Because of anti-abortion legislation, women avoid going to the hospital, often until it is too late, to avoid prosecution from police. In the cases of rape and incest, the very idea of being forced to have the child of the womans abuser is repulsive. There are also cases when a womans health is put in jeopardy by having a child at all. Forcing a woman to bring the child to term would be no less than attempted murder (Steffen 49). If a woman is forced to give birth to a child she does not want, if left in that womans custody, the child could potentially face hatred and resentment from the mother for the rest of its life. In countries all over the world, children are found dead and abandoned in places as degrading as garbage dumps. The only effective method of preventing unwanted births is abstinence, and this is just not a realistic objective. There is no 100% effective form of birth control, and even men and women using birth control have unwanted pregnancies. Some women for financial, occupational, social, and maturity reasons, see pregnancy as cessation of their lives. There are no accurate statistics on how many women attempt or succeed in committing suicide each year rather than live with their pregnancies. Women will continue to gave abortions with or without government legislation, but with legislation, the conditions under which they have their abortions can be sanctioned and observed. If abortion is the right choice for a woman, she shouldnt have to worry about its safety. The procedure is perfectly safe. The earlier an abortion is done, the safer it is. Most abortions, about 95%, are done during the first trimester (Lowenstein 52). Less than one percent are done after the twentieth week, and usually only for medical reasons (Safety 1). According to the National Abortion Federation, having an abortion in the first three months of pregnancy is safer than giving birth to a child. Women hardly ever die from legal abortions-only one in two hundred thousand (Lowenstein 52). Women are seven times likely to die from childbirth than from a legal abortion (Maguire 1). Many pro-life supporters believe that abortion should be banned because life begins at conception and taking a life is unlawful. The individual sex cell consists of 23 chromosomes. It is only through combination, through merger, that the sex cells attain the full complement of heredity units that defines a human being (Shettles 17). The merger of the two sex cells is complete within twelve hours, at which time the egg is fertilized and becomes known technically as the zygote. The inherited characteristics of a unique human being has been established, and in no circumstances will it change (Shettles 17). At eighteen days, the heart is pumping through a closed circulatory system, with blood whose type is different from that of the mothers. The brain starts working at forty days. and all of the fetuss body systems are in place by the time it is two months old (Every child 1). Pro-lifers believe this evidence shows a fetus is alive. For these reasons, they feel the fetus has a soul and is a person worthy of respect. They conclude that aborting a fetus is the same as murdering a person (Abortion 3). Most pro-choice supporters agree that taking a human life is unlawful, however, they argue that unborn fetuses do not constitute fully developed human life. The possession of forty-six chromosomes does not make a cell a person. Most of the cells in a persons body contain these 46 chromosomes, but that does not make a white corpuscle a person. As for the significance of uniqueness, identical quintuplets are genetically identical, yet they have personal identities apart from their genetic endowment. Even though a fetus might have a heartbeat and brain waves, this does not make a fetus a person. To be a person, there must be evidence of a personality. Dogs, frogs, and earthworms have all characteristics listed, but that is insufficient to make them persons Zindler 25). Another major pro-life concern is the medical hazards of an abortion. Pro-lifers believe that abortions have many negative physical and psychological effects. They say that even though abortion has been legalized, it remains a complicated procedure that can potentially harm a womans ability to bear normal, healthy babies in the future (Hilgers 152). The most common early complications of legally induced abortion are infection, hemorrhage, perfor ation of the uterus, and laceration of the cervix (Hilgers 153). There is also a pelvic inflammatory disease which can follow abortion, and happens up to 30 percent of the time (Lowenstein 44). Although the complications are physical, many pro-lifers say that the psychological effects are far more dangerous. They believe abortion has a particularly harmful effects on teenagers (Everyones Biography 1). The Medical College of Ohio studied how teenagers were able to cope with abortions as compared to adult women. They studied thirty-five women who had abortions as teenagers and thirty-six women who had abortions after age twenty. They found there were two factors present in teenage abortions. First, people other than the teenager had control of the abortion decision. Second, teenagers are less knowledgeable about the procedure and may have false ideas about it. Also, teenagers were less likely to consult a professional before making their decision. The study showed teenagers experienced greater stress during the abortion (Lowenstein 45). Pro-choicers strongly disagree on this matter. It is a proven fact that legal abortions are now medically safe and simple. Teenagers, for example, are 24 times more likely to die from childbirth than from a first-trimester abortion (Carlson 25). Death resulting from legal abortion is a very rare occurrence and easy to measure. In the first trimester, less that half of one percent of all abortion patients experience major complications (Jaffe, Lindheim, and Lee 150). Of course abortion involves some risk, but so do all medical procedures. According to the American Psychiatric Association report published in Science magazine in 1990, there are no significant psychological aftereffects of legal abortion. Legal abortion requested by the woman does not cause emotional problems or depression. Some women may feel sad or guilty at first, but not any more or less than any other personal crisis (Lowenstein 53). In particular, teenagers who had abortions seem to behave more normally than others who gave birth to a baby. Teenagers who have abortions are more likely to graduate high school, go to college, and get good jobs (Lowenstein 54). The third most controversial topic on abortions involves so-called hard cases such as rape and incest. The first point pro-lifers make is that the law allowing raped women to get abortions would only affect a few women, less than 1 percent of all abortions each year (Guernsey 68). Pro-life supporters believe the damage has already happened-that of the rape. An abortion will simply cause more psychological and physical harm. Even though half of the fetus if part of the rapist, half of the fetus is part of the woman, too. They believe it is unfair to kill a being who was not responsible for the rape (Lowenstein 47). Their feeling is the same for incest. In cases where abortion is chosen, pro-life activists believe an innocent baby is killed for a crime its father commits. The father, instead, should suffer. Pro-lifers believe if abortion is chosen, it helps to hide the fact that incest took place and it might continue(Lowenstein 48). Should abortion be allowed in cases of rape and incest? Absolutely yes, say pro-choicers. There may be serious psychological effects from having a child that was a result of a horrible experience like incest or rape. Pro-choice supporters believe if the woman decides to raise the child, they say, she will have a constant reminder of the incident (Lowenstein 55). Surveys have shown many people would accept abortion in cases of rape or incest (Women 2). Medical research has not determined whether there are genetic tendencies toward sexual crimes. The child may carry some of those genes (Lowenstein55). In summary, abortion is a personal choice. No should be able to tell a women whether or not to have a child. Therefore, keeping abortion legal will ensure that situations that involve crisis or health risks to the mother or the fetus can be handled safely and legally.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Compare Windows And Linux Operating Systems Computer Science Essay

Compare Windows And Linux Operating Systems Computer Science Essay An Operating system is software that lets the user interface with the computer and also manages number of applications. Most number of PCs has built in Operating system installed. Operating systems created to take control of the operations of applications such as email programs, word processors and web browsers. Straight after the computer is switched on the operating system needs to be loaded into the RAM before any other program can be run. Operating system is automatically loaded into RAM as soon as the PC turns on which is done by the boot strap loader which is stored in the PCs ROM chip. All the Operating systems perform basic functions such as: Managing resources These applications coordinate all of the PCs resources which include keyboard, printer, monitor, mouse, storage devices and memory. Operating system manages to perform a file structure on the computers hard drive where the data can be saved or retrieved. When a particular data is saved, the Operating system saves the data and attaches a name to the data and remembers where the data was saved for any future use. File system is the way the Operating systems organizes the information into files. Almost all the Operating systems use hierarchical file system which organizes the files into folders under a tree structure which makes it easy for the user to get the data. Providing a user interface -.Users interact with programs and hardware trough user interface. Most of the Operating systems provide the GUI which is graphic user interface where graphic objects or icons are used to represent commonly used features. Running applications -These are the programs which load and run applications such as spread sheets and word processors. Almost all the operating systems support multitasking where more than one application can be run at the same time. When a user is requesting the application to be open the operating system locates the program and loads it into the RAM. If more programs are loaded the operating system must allocate the computer resources. Support for built in utility programs -The operating system uses the utility program to identify problems, repair damaged files, locate lost files and back up data. This makes the easy for the user as the operating system does the hard work by solving the problem where the user just has to wait for the result. Control to the computer hardware -The operating system is in the middle of the programs and the BIOS. Bios controls the hardware, but all programs that need hardware resources has to go through the operating system. Operating system can access the hardware through BIOS. Task 2 B M1 Report that compares the features and functions of two different operating systems by reviewing the features and functions and present a comparison of the two summarising their respective strengths and weaknesses in context. I am going to compare windows and Linux operating systems. Introduction Windows -It is an operating system software and GUI produced by Microsoft. Microsoft released their first windows operating system in 1985 as an add-on to MS-DOS in response to the growing popularity of the graphical user interfaces. Windows dominated the Personal computers around the world when it came out in the market which overtook MacOS which was launched in 1984. By October 2009 windows had roughly 91% of the market share of the client operating systems for the use on the internet. The latest release client version of windows is windows 7, the latest release server version is Server 2008R2 and the latest release of mobile operating system is windows phone 7. Linux Linux refers to the family of Unix-like PC Operating system using Linux kernel. Linux can be installed in number of different computers and video game consoles, to mainframes and supercomputers. Linux is the top server operating system, accounting for more than 50% of installations and runs on the fastest top 10 supercomputers in the world. Using Linux in desktops has increased in recent years. The name Linux comes from Linux kernel, created in 1991 by Linux Trovalds. Comparison of the two operating systems Out of these two operating systems windows is the most famous OS, whereas Linux is the most famous OS that is free. The two OS compete against each other for user-base in the PC market as well as the server market, which are also used in schools, business offices, intranet and internet servers, homes, government offices, supercomputers, and embedded systems. Windows are top in the personal computer and desktop markets with approximately 90% of the desktop market share, and accounted for about 66% of all servers sold in the year 2007. In the server market share windows received 36.3% and Linux received 12.7%. By November 2007, Linux OS powered 85% of the worlds powerful supercomputers where compared to windows 1.4%. Linux and windows are different in the cost, versatility and stability with each looking to get better in their superficial weak areas. Normally, some major areas of superficial weakness usually cited have included the poor out-of-box usability of the Linux desktop for the mass-market and vulnerability to malware windows. Both are areas of fast development in both sides. Linux is not a complete operating system when you compare it to Windows operating environment. Linux doesnt have built-in GUI interface. Users are free to use the former windows graphic user interface with Linux where each provides a different look and feel. Functions Windows offers much easier user interface called graphic interface unlike Linux, where it only has one GUI for users to choose from. These facts in some cases could make the using of the OS much easier as the user can choose what they are comfortable with. One of the advantages of Linux is that it comes from multiple choices of GUIs so that it can help provide an easy starting ground for either windows or Mac users. Both windows and Linux allow hardware to successfully communicate with the software in similar way. But however the Linux has some compatibility problems which can cause trouble when trying to install hardware drivers. Whereas the being one of the top OS in the world are finding that hardware drivers is a push over. Security Windows are more infective to a virus then Linux as windows is the most attacked OS in the world. And most the viruses arent even compatible with Linux hence making Linux inherently safer. Performance The performance reduces massively in windows simply because windows takes to much power unlike Linux which doesnt use much power to work, which means that there is much more power available to be used for the user of Linux which makes the performance faster. Stability Because of the work all around the world by the millions of users of Linux which have full and free access to the source code where they are trying to make Linux more stable unlike the few 100,000 windows techs with a licence to modify the windows source code. Also the fact that the Linux OS has more consistent fileling system and Linux also dont use much processor power to run which automatically makes the Linux OS a more stable OS. Cost You have to pay for all the Windows operating systems unlike the Linux operating systems which are free and full access. You can also download the Linux software for free unlike the windows operating system where you have to pay. Usability -Windows operating systems are one of the easiest operating system to use because of the lack of things you can do with it along with legal problems. Windows is also more spread operating system then Linux so it has the better hand when it comes to personal computing. Linux is also easy but the users arent confident enough so are not willing to use the free Linux OS. Conclusion- After researching about these two operating systems along with the points that i have made I believe that Linux is the better operating system then windows with better benefit, However as far as the hardware is concerned windows doesnt have the skill to work on the Power PC processors, unlike Linux. Linux would be one of the growing operating systems in the world which would be the main rivals of windows in the future. Here is a Comparison table Linux Windows Price Most of the Linux operating systems are free and lower costing then windows. Windows operating systems can be bought around the price of $50 to $150 per each licence copy. Ease Linux has massively improved in their usability but windows are much easier for new computer users. Microsoft have made lots of changes and have made it much more easier to use the operating system, but it still might not be the easiest software to use but is definitely easier than Linux. Reliability Most of the Linux systems are Especially reliable and can run for moths and years without having to reboot it. Windows has made some fabulous improvements to their Reliability in their last versions of windows but its still not better than Linux. Software Linux does have number of software, utilities and games available but it cant compare to the large amount of software windows has. Because there are more people using windows around the world there are more software, utilities and games available in windows. Software Cost Many of the software, utilities and games are freeware or open source. Most of them are free and some of them cost really less then compared to windows. Windows also has software, utilities and games for free but majority of the programs will cost around $20 to $200. Hardware Linux and hardware manufactures have made great improvements for Linux and will support most hardware devices, whoever there are many different companies that still do not offer drivers for their hardware. Windows has much more support from the hardware manufactures for windows hardware devices because of the large amount of windows users. Security Linux always has been safe and secure but it can also be attacked but when you compare it to windows Linux is much safer. Although windows has made vast improvements to their security but still continues to be venerable to the viruses. Support Linux has large amounts of help online or books around the world to help any user. Same with windows also has large amount of help to their users with books, documentation guides help centre etc. Name Linux Windows Creator Linus Torvalds, et al. Microsoft First public release 1992 1993 Predecessor Unix[g 2], Minix [g 3 MS-DOS, OS/2, Windows 3.x Latest stable version Linux kernel; GNU C Library 2.11 Windows 7 (NT 6.1.7600) Latest release date 2010 2009 Cost/ Availability Free Home Basic (Retail) $99.95, Home Premium (Retail) $119.95, Business (Retail) $299.95, Ultimate (Retail) $300.95[1] Preferred licence GNU GPL, GNU LGPL and other licenses Proprietary Target system type Comparison of Linux distributions Workstation, Personal computer, Media center, Tablet PC, Embedded system Computer architectures supported x86, x86-64, PPC, SPARC, Alpha, others x86, x86-64, IA-64 File systems supported ext2, ext3, ext4, ReiserFS, FAT, ISO 9660, UDF, NFS, and others NTFS, FAT, ISO 9660, UDF; 3rd-party drivers support ext2, ext3, reiserfs[t 8], and HFS Kernel type Monolithic with modules Hybrid Source lines of code ~ 9 million (Kernel) lines of code for userland applications vary depending on the distribution ~45 million GUI default is on No Yes Package management MSI, custom installers Update management Windows Update Native APIs POSIX Win32, NT API Non-native APIs supported through subsystems UNIX, Mono, Java, Win16, Win32 DOS API, Win16 (only in 32-bit versions), POSIX, .NET

Friday, October 25, 2019

Defining Writing Style :: Writing Style Styles Essays

Defining Writing "Style" Many accomplished authors have tried distinguishing what "good writing style" is. Some believe it is writing simply, others believe it is writing precisely. Numerous books have been published in order to help define this murky area called "style." Matthew Arnold, poet and critic, once said "Have something to say, and say it as clearly as you can. That is the only secret of style." So why then is this topic so unclearly defined? Perhaps it is because each person has had different writing influences and needs improvement in different areas. To address this problem, many famous authors and professors have contributed to the writing style literature. William J. Strunk, and E.B. White wrote The Elements of Style which was followed by another book, Style: Toward Clarity and Grace, by Joseph Williams. Strunk, a former college professor at Cornell University, came up with the idea to publish a book on fundamental usage of the English language or "the rules of usage and principles of composit ion most commonly violated" after teaching them to college students (Introduction, xiv). E.B. White, who is known mostly for his book, Charlotte’s Web, and also for his creative non-fiction, was a student of Strunk’s who was so inspired by his former teacher’s work that he added to the book and had it published after Strunk’s death. Some time later, professor Joseph M. Williams of the University of Chicago, elaborated on the principles discussed in The Elements of Style and published his own book, Style: Toward Clarity and Grace. Williams is a contemporary writer and the difference between when the books were published is apparent in each text. Although all three writers agree that good writing style consists of clear and concise prose which contains the right amount of emphasis and proper grammar, the level of detail, structure, and content of each book reflects the authors’ intent to target different reader audiences. To begin with, the authors indicate their definitions of good writing style through the organization of each book; the format and structure of each indicates that the authors were targeting different reader audiences. The Elements of Style is a reference book, set up with a detailed index describing the usage of different words and concepts. Its format is almost like an MLA handbook, with numbered, bold rules followed by simple examples. Williams’ book is set up in paragraph form and can only be understood when read in its entirety.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Should People Be Allowed to Use Mobile Phone While Driving?

Should People be allowed to Use Mobile Phone while Driving? These days, mobile phone has become almost a basic necessity. We need a mobile phone everywhere for a faster and swifter communication with rest of the world. Unfortunately sometimes, because of the misuse of mobile phone especially while driving, even the lives of people are at risk. Using cell phones while driving distracts drivers from the road, and drivers need to use all their senses, including hearing, to drive. Since we can't use our sense of hearing for the purpose of driving when we are on our cell phones, many accidents can be caused.Although mobile phone makes our communication easy and fast, it should not be used while driving on the road. In my opinion, talking on a cell phone while driving is an extremely dangerous practice. The idea of allowing the use of mobile phones while driving is relevant because the use of cellular phones has become a necessary part of our modern life. On the contrary, driving requires full attention on road. †Studies show that driving while talking on a cell phone is extremely dangerous and puts drivers at a four times greater risk of a crash† said  president and CEO The National Safety Council Janet Froetscher.Compare and Contrast Driving in the Winter and Driving in the SummerIt causes miscommunication between driver and traffic control. Using mobile phone while driving can cause loss of concentration and as a result a single mistake while driving can lead to injury or death. However, most of all texting and driving should be banned because it can hurt themselves and other too. As technology has become more advanced, more distractions are available for drivers and became more dangerous. Now it's not just a simple conversation or a text message that can distract drivers: it's YouTube, Face book and the New York Times, all competing with the road for the driver’s attention.It can also be said that, while the usage of mobile phone during drivi ng is considered as dangerous, conversing with passengers during driving can be called as equally dangerous. Taking â€Å"hands free† on a cell phone can be considered the same as talking to a passenger while driving. On the other hand, it can be said that while, multitasking during driving seems to be normal, but in reality, multitasking can actually reduce the field of vision while driving.On top of that, another study demonstrates that talking to passengers, as opposed to talking on a cell phone, actually makes adult drivers safer, because passengers help alert drivers to potential driving risks. In addition, recent studies have shown that the use of communication devices can actually impair ones driving, as during communication we are required to give attention to the speaker. In the process of listening to the speaker, many people unconsciously, lose focus on their driving and hence their driving is worse than before.Since all cell phone conversation still required focus ed attention, hands free devices are no less distracting than hand held devices. Another point in favor of the use of cell phones while driving could be that, responsible people who understand the risks involved in using mobile phones while driving and can actually handle this should be allowed to use mobile phones during driving. Even though people might argue about responsible people being allowed to use mobile phones while driving, studies have shown that drivers who are allowed to talk while driving tend to respond less quickly and are much more likely to cause car accidents.Furthermore, driving while using cell phones can be considered equivalent, to a certain extent, as drunk driving because people when drunk become unresponsive and while talking on their cell phones while driving they also become unresponsive, although not as much as drunk people but still enough to be called risky. During driving when people talk on their mobile phones, risk the lives of other people as well as they are distracted from the task at hand. After considering all the above arguments I still strongly believe that, people should not be allowed to use mobile phones while driving.Driving while talking on a cell phone is distracting as it causes many accidents each year. It is a dangerous practice and needs to be outlawed because a lot of people who have gotten into car accidents were found to be on their cell phones when the accident happened. So in conclusion, I would like to state that, laws on preventing drivers to use cell phones while driving should be implemented where there is none and laws should be made stricter where there are such laws. (751 WORDS)

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Social Welfare Strengths and Weaknesses

Social Welfare Strengths and Weaknesses Welfare is money that the government gives to people who are in the position of being not able to work. Social welfare is the provision of services like educational, health, cultural, and financial assistance to needy. The following are modern social welfare measures; treatment of the mentally ill, relief, and care for the needy families, and educational activities for the young.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Social Welfare: Strengths and Weaknesses specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Roman and Greek gave public assistance to those who held full citizenship. Social welfare was in connection with churches and later the Muslims. Afterwards, Government took over much of the charitable activities. The first modern Government expanded social welfare (Aaron). It became not only for the poor but also for those with jobs. Provided legislation was to insure workers for health, accidents, and retirement pensions. Most successfu l social welfare program Social Security Disability Insurance Program is an example of the most successful programs. The following are the features of the program: difficulty of entrance, adequacy of benefits, and difficulty of exit. Strengths and weaknesses of the program Many People who require assistance engage in physical work, but do not have enough salary. Other beneficiaries need the assistance because of physical, mental, or emotional difficulties. Many people who apply for this program are those who lost their jobs and cannot find new ones. It helps the disabled who hardly get jobs because of their conditions in an economy that shed a lot of workers. The program had reports that trust funds that supported it would run out of money. This made it become impossible to pay for full benefits. Later, Social Security’s retirement funds would run out too. Its strength is that, it helps families by providing additional dollars to supplement their normal grocery budget. Aaron , Henry J. On social welfare. Cambridge, Mass.: Abt Books, 1980. Print.